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Pitch Perfect!
How artists can reach out to galleries, the media, and brands with confidence!
50+ Social Media Content Ideas for Artists
What makes the difference is working to build your community in an authentic way so that people truly connect with you and your work. Here are 50 ideas for social media content for artists.
Leave Imposter Syndrome (for Artists) Behind in 2020
Gallerist, Alicia Puig, shares 5 easy steps to fight imposter syndrome, so you do not hold yourself back from seeking bigger opportunities, charging higher prices, pitching yourself to your dream clients, and more.
How to craft a professional artist biography and avoid common mistakes
Gallerist Alicia Puig gives artist biography idea examples and walks you through the easy process of crafting your own with these 6 easy tips.
How to polish up your online presence in 5 quick steps for artists
In the world of increasing online exhibits and online application processes, it is more important than ever to have a polished online presence to increase your chances of getting seen by the curators. In this article, we are here to help you with tips to increase your chances of getting seen by curators.